Knockavelly Glebe, headstone inscriptions


The following is a partial list of the headstones in the Knockavelly Glebe

graveyard. It is hoped to complete this listing in the next issue and to

make similar lists of headstones from other local graveyards.


JAMES MOORE This vault contains the remains of

James Moore

Esq. Late collector of Newport,

His wife Margret,

also his mother Deborah Moore his daughter Phillippa & her husband Roger

Shiel Esq.

who purchased this ground & caused this

vault to be built in the year 1766.

Those who sleep in Jesus God

will bring with him.



JAMES WILSON Beneath this stone are deposited the mortal remains of James

Wilson of Newport who departed this life on the 18 day of April A.D. 1891

aged 39 years. He was an affectionate husband a fond parent and whi??

Better a good Christian. Reader go thou do likewise. This stone erected by

his wife Catherine Wilson Ferriss



ESTHER SMITH Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Esther Smith

alias Wilson daughter of Alex R Wilson of Carabag who departed this life

the 13th day of January 1807 aged 25 years and her father Alexander Wilson

who departed this life 12th day of September 1811 aged 58


CLAUDIUS ODONEL In loving memory of Claudius O Donel M D F R C S I who

died at Castlebar on 9th January 1890 aged 26 years

ì What I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter



JOHN MOORE In affectionate remembrance of our beloved father John Moore

died 14th Nov 1907 also beloved brother Alexander Moore died 15th Dec 1909

also Esther Moore who died 28th Nov 1932




MARY WILKS Here lies the ? mortal remains of John Wilks who departed this

life the 13 of March 1789 aged ? years His wife Mary Wilks alias Kelly who

departed this life February 17th 1806 aged ?



SUSAN BOLE John Bole Newport. To the memory of his beloved wife Susan nee

Savage who died 23rd Decr 1856



SAMUEL WILSON In loving memory of Samuel Wilson died 18th Feb 1902 aged 82

years also his son Samuel Wilson died 18th June 1903 aged 32 years

Thy will be done


FRANCES HERN Here lies the mortal remains of Mrs. Frances Hern daughter of

the Rev. Joe Marsh and wife of the Rev Josiah Hern her husband. As it was

formed on solice best described by the preccepis of the Gospel for she was

as far as human infirmity and weakness of fiaine would aclime in manners in

disposition and in health all and faithful Christan

She was released from the pains of hunger in disease and the miseries of

the wicked world 1793



THOMAS MAHON Beneath are deposited the remains of the Revd Thomas Mahon

M.A. of St. Johnís College of Cambridge. Eldest son of the late Revd Thos

Mahon Rector of Annaduff in the County Leitrim. He was 16 years Rector and

Vicar of Newport and died on the 19th of March 1825. Beloved and lamented

by all who knew him. This trifling tribute of affection to his valued

memory erected here by his truly attached brothers Major Mahon of

Strokestown House and John Mahon of Thornfield


HILLIARD MC NAB In loving memory of Hilliard McNab who died May 16 1893

aged 28 years. For he looked for ac? who? had found whose building and

maker is God. HEB XI 1.10


GEORGE HOPE In loving memory of George Hope, Knockloughra who died 14th.

October 1901 aged 86 years. Also of Anne his wife who died 8th. May 1878

aged 57 years


JOHN AIBUTHNOT Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of the late John Aibuthnot Esq. Of Rockfleet Castle in this county and formerly of Mitchum Surry in england died on the 27th Day of December 1797 in the 69th year of his age

This stone is placed here by his fourth son Col. Sir Roben Aibuthnot K. C. B. of the Coldstream Guards


JAMES HERN Here lyeth the body of the Reverend James Hern rector and Vicar of the Union of Newport who departed this life ? July the 20th 1778 ? 1798




HUGH O DONEL In Memory of Hugh O Donel who died 13th January 1888 aged 36


Make him to be numbered with thy

saints in glory everlasting


SUSAN O DONEL Sacred to the memory of Francis O Donel who departed this

life February 21 1854 aged 74 years also his wife Susan O Donel who died on

the 8th April 1856 in her 69th year. Be ye also ready



MARY WEBSTER Here lieth the body of Ann Webster who died October the 8th

1768 in the 52 year of her age and her daughter Mary Webster who departed

this life the 22nd Day of February 1799 aged 61 years



AMY ARABELLA QUADLING Sacred to the memory of Amy Arabella the beloved

wife of Mr. H.C.Quadling and affectionate daughter of Mr. C. Williams. She

fell asleep in Jesus on the 25th June 1853 aged 25 years. Favour is

deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be




LARMONI? Beneath this stone are deposited the mortal remains of Mrs. Mary

Larminie alias Lendrum. She lived so she died a real Christian. She was the

most affectionate of wives a tender indulgent mother - a sincere friend she

now rests in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection through the

merits of her suffering redeemer. She departed this life 29 May 1804 agd, 34

Reader go thou and do likewise





DOROTHY JANE BERRY Memory of James Berry born 26th April 1840 died 21st

December 1883

Let not your heart be troubled ye be here in God believe also ì also his

only daughter Dorothy Jane Berry she is not dead but sleepth also his wife

Henriette who died 6th March 1920

Till the resurrections ?


JAMES O DONEL In memory of James O Donel who

died 27th July 1888 aged 68 years Thy will be done



HUGH O DONEL In memory of Hugh O Donel who died on 30th April 1896 aged 82

years The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of

the Lord







ELIZA FRANCES O DONEL Children of Francis O Donel Fanny O Donel died 4th

July 1859 aged 16 days. Prudence Walker O Donel died 8th December 1871 aged

14 years. Jemima Matilda O Donel died 31st July 1877 aged 17 years

Fanny O Donel died 2nd December 1878 aged 12 years

Francis O Donel

Eliza O Donel died 5th October 1884 aged 30 years

Not lost but gone before




O DONEL In memory of Catherine Mary O Donel wife of Francis O Donel of Castlebar who died ìhappyî on 5 September 1891 aged 68 years Blessed are the dead who

die in the Lord

Goates Dublin







ANNE CORDINE Sacred to the memory of Alexrd Cordine who departed this life

September 3rd 1827 aged 49 years. Also his wife Anne Cordine alias

Armstrong who departed this life May 15th 1824 aged 47 years